Landlord Complaint Record: #20-0897

Alban Place Townhouses    |    Sandra Watkins    |    Frederick    ,    Maryland     Landlord Complaint 20-0897

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WARNING! This property/ landlord refused to mediate a fair resolution or respond to this
complaint. Landlord refused to cooperate.

Case Number : 20-0897 Filing Date : Oct 8, 2010
Investigating Agent : Kept Private Case Disposition : Force Required
Complaint Level : Code 5 Landlord Response : Case Closed

Type Title / Link Posted By Date Uploaded Comments
upload Kept Private RPA Mailing Center The following attachment is a copy of the mailed complaint notice that was processed and sent out the Landlord/ Manager.

upload Kept Private RPA Mailing Center The attached file is a copy of the 2nd written notice that was printed and mailed to the landlord/ manager.

upload Kept Private RPA Mailing Center This is the 3rd and final notice that was sent to the landlord/ manager. This is the final attempt / notice to request an immediater resolution to the complaint. I has been processed for mailing.

LANDLORD / MGR : Sandra Watkins RENTER : Kept Private
Property Name : Alban Place Townhouses      
Address : 573 Lancaster Place Address : Kept Private
City, State - Zip : Frederick, Maryland - . City, State - Zip : Frederick, Maryland - .
Phone : Kept Private Phone : Kept Private

COMPLAINT : 2nd Episode of Bed Bugs
Fair Resolution according to renter :
  1. I want to terminate my lease.

Address               :   585 Lancaster Place
City, State - Zip   :   Frederick, Maryland - 21703.


Thirty days after signing our lease with Alban Place in March 2010, we learned that the home was infested with bed bugs. We contacted the leasing office to notify them of the issue. They offered to have the place exterminated at their expense, however we were responsible for preparing our home for extermination. The list of preparations included packing our house in space bags, taking all of our washables to a laundromat to dry everything for 20 minutes, etc. This process was costly and took a lot of time as my husband and I did not have the time to take off work. We spent nearly $3000.00 on this ordeal. Our house was finally able to be "unpacked" again in June 2010. In September 2010, I found another live bed bug crawling on my clothing. I have again advised the leasing office of the issue and they are willing to pay for the extermination, but I still have to pay again to prepare my home. I do not want to continue living out of boxes and cannot afford to continue to absorb the costs. Upon talking to one of my neighbors, I learned that her family had the same experience upon moving in here. When I commented to the management that they needed to exterminate all of their homes, they replied that not everyone prepares their homes according to the instructions and they can't get rid of the issue. I asked the extermination company to send me a copy of their reports from the first extermination and I know for sure that in one of the instances, the exterminator falsified what was done. I had only been gone from the house for 5-7 minutes prior to returning to retrieve my wallet, in which time the exterminator had arrived at the house entered and was getting ready to leave again. On the report, she claims to have sprayed several surfaces in the house and outside the house. The rental office does not provide any oversight of the exterminations or any verification that the services have been performed. At this point, all I want is to terminate my lease without penalty. I will take care of cleaning my things prior to relocating and then they can exterminate this entire place to ensure the next tenants won't have the same issue. I just need assistance.

From Date IP Address Response
Renter Nov 8, 2010 My family has since vacated the premises located at 585 Lancaster Pl., Frederick, MD 21703. We returned the keys to the premises on November 3rd, 2010. We left the home in the same condition we found it in (including preparing nail holes for painting). We provided our new address (5724 Sugar Maple Ct. Apt. B12, Frederick, MD 21703) to the rental office at Alban Place for future correspondence, however have not heard if they will honor our request to have the lease terminated without consequence. In that regard, the original complaint has still never been addressed by the landlord.

Agent Date Response
Agent Nov 17, 2010 FORCE REQUIRED: Landlord has been unreasonable with all request made by the RPA. Tenant has attempted in good faith to resolve this dispute outside of court. However, the tenant will most likely need to pursue court action to resolve this dispute.

Agent Nov 1, 2010 FINAL CALL: Agent has made a final call to management requesting an immediate response to this complaint. Agent will provide a full week for response.

Agent Nov 1, 2010 FINAL RESPONSE PERIOD: Agent is providing both parties with 1 week to create final statements. Agent will review statements to determine if further mediation is applicable.

Agent Nov 1, 2010 LANDLORD REFUSAL: Agent has provided the landlord with more than reasonable time to respond to this complaint. Agent will provide one last opportunity to resolve this complaint.

Agent Oct 20, 2010 FOLLOW-UP CALL: Agent has contacted the landlord to request an immediate response. Agent has informed management that a written notice was already mailed and has past the alloted response time-frame. Agent has requested an immediate response, within the next 3 business days. Pending Response...

Agent Oct 20, 2010 PAST DUE RESPONSE: Landlord has been provided with a reasonable time-frame to respond but has not. Agent will follow-up with management to request an immediate response.

Agent Oct 20, 2010 MAILING DELIVERED: Agent has confirmed that management signed for the complaint notice on OCT 14, 2010 at 4:16pm.

Agent Oct 8, 2010 CASE PENDING MAILING: This case is pending mailing, then response from landlord. Case is waiting for landlord to respond.

Agent Oct 8, 2010 CERTIFIED MAILING: This case is being sent via USPS Certified Mail: 7009 2820 0000 7834 3757 A duplicate Mailing is also being sent via USPS First Class Mail in case the landlord refuses to sign for Certified Mailing.

Agent Oct 8, 2010 LANDLORD RESPONSE DATE: Landlord is expected to respond no later than: OCT 15 2010 by 7pm

Agent Oct 8, 2010 EXPECTED LANDLORD RESPONSE: Written notice is being mailed to the landlord and expected to arrive in 3 business days. Following delivery the landlord will have 3 business days to respond. Pending landlord response.

Agent Oct 8, 2010 MAILING PREPARED: Agent has prepared case for mailing.

Agent Oct 8, 2010 COMPLAINT NOTICE: Agent has prepared an official complaint notice and will be attaching the notice to a bonded copy of the case. Pending Mailing...

Agent Oct 8, 2010 CASE REVIEW: Agent has reviewed the case and is preparing complaint notice and paperwork.

Agent Oct 8, 2010 CASE ACCEPTED: Agent has accepted the case and is will be reviewing the case details.

Agent Oct 8, 2010 CASE ASSIGNED: An RPA Agent has been assigned to mediate this case. Pending case acceptance.