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May 5, 2014 |
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COMPLAINT DETAILS (from renter) |
Since 2011 I've been calling state housing to get Ms. Gaye to fix repairs in timely manner,I've waited on stove eye for a month after surgery. In 2011 ask her to put grip bar on bath tub after hip replacement surgery in 2011. She told me it's not a handicap unit, brought her doctor statement stating i needed a grip bar. It told her a month to get it installed. Tenants above me was so noisy after surgery I kept reporting it to her about talking to them about the noise.She replied she couldn't do anything about the noise until I flied a police report. I did. She did nothing. So I had to call state housing and fax police reports to them before something was done.When i complained about the noise she told me i might want to find somewhere to move. In Jan. 2014 I reported to her i needed a new stove eye, and element for my oven. It took her until March 20th,2014, maintenance man cursed at me on that day,to repair the problem. The maintenance man said "Our first priority is to fix A/C and heaters, not no d**n stove. Had to call state housing on that day. I reported him and they said they couldn't do anything about him cursing at me. State Housing made him repair my stove. I would like this to stop! I feel that she has retaliated against me ever since I reported to her to state housing the first time in 2011.Why must I kept calling state housing to report her and to get repairs fixed. She keeps getting away with it, but every time I look they kept raising my rent.
Agent |
Date |
Response |
May 5, 2014 |
FORCE REQUIRED! After repeated attempts to resolve this complaint; management has FAILED to comply and requires force. The RPA has taken all reasonable efforts to contact the Landlord / Manager. They have REFUSED all request and will require FORCE. This case is closed with a negative disposition. |
Apr 11, 2014 |
LANDLORD RESPONSE PAST DUE: The Landlord has failed to respond to the complaint by: April 10, 2014 .The Landlord will be provided a grace period of 3 additional days to respond. CASE IS PENDING LANDLORD RESPONSE. |
Apr 11, 2014 |
PAST DUE RESPONSE: The Landlord or Manger has FAILED to respond by the deadline set within the complaint notice. |
Apr 10, 2014 |
PENDING LANDLORD RESPONSE: The complaint case is still pending a response from the Landlord or Manager. The landlord has been requested to respond by end of the day. Case pending update from the landlord or manager. |
Apr 3, 2014 |
Delivery Estimate: The complaint notice sent to Gaye Grahm 23-3860 Aiken, South Carolina should have arrived or will arrive within 24 hours. |
Apr 3, 2014 |
PENDING LANDLORD RESPONSE: The landlord or manager have been provided with the following response deadline: April 09, 2014
This deadline provides a reasonable time frame of 3 days for delivery of written notice and 3 days to respond to case # 23-3860 as outlined in the mailed notice. THIS CASE IS PENDING RESPONSE FROM LANDLORD OR MANAGER.
Apr 3, 2014 |
LANDLORD / MANAGER MAILING: Complaint Notice is being delivered to:
Gaye Grahm
630 Aldrich St. NE Aiken, South Carolina 29801
USPS Mail center has confirmed acceptance of the complaint notice parcel and provided confirmation ID: 42186874 |
Apr 3, 2014 |
MAIL CONFIRMATION: The complaint notice has been processed and is currently in route for 23-3860. |
Apr 3, 2014 |
COMPLAINT NOTICE PRINTED: The complaint notice has been successfully transferred to the nearest mailing center and is pending mailing confirmation. |
Apr 3, 2014 |
Complaint Accepted by RPA and is pending further processing. |
Mar 30, 2014 |
An email confirmation was sent to the tenant at 03-30-2014 14:45:13. The email included a confirmation of the complaint filing, case number, and pin. |
Mar 30, 2014 |
CONFIRMATION OF COMPLAINT: A complaint about Repair Issue has been filed pertaining to 23-3860 or Gaye Grahm located in Aiken, South Carolina 29801. Case is pending mailing confirmation. |
Mar 30, 2014 |
Complaint 23-3860 has been filed and is in queue for further processing. Pending further updates and confirmation of mailing. |