Landlord is thinking about selling the house we rent

By brandy213122

We have been living in our house that we rent for 4 years.  When I paid our rent, our landlord didn’t say anything.  Three days later, she calls me and said that her nephew is interested in buying the house we live in because he’s getting married in May and that he’s been interested for 2 weeks.  She then pressures me into letting them see in this past weekend when I asked if she could wait until my children start school.  I have two special needs children and with strangers coming into our house, looking at their stuff, they would be very upset.  I know I can’t completely stop her from showing her property but I don’t like to be "bullied" either and I have 3 children I need to protect.  Any advice would be great.  We are trying to find a place for the "just in case" but she threw us for a loop as well.  

Edited on: Monday, August 15th, 2011 12:00 pm

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