No Lease Renewal?

By steve roche

We live in an old building which is managed by a slumlord. I’ve called the City and County inspectors a few times over the last year, and they have come around and given him a lot of grief for rats, leaks, no screens, etc, but the place remains filthy. We clean up around thee place when we can. Anyway, our lease ended a few days ago and we did not see a renewal in or mailbox or from the resident manager. We want to move but rents are high everywhere.

My partner wants to stay a few months until we can get something else.
Who is in a better position legally… the landlord(?), because he couuld order us out now without lease protection,
or us…. because we could look and find another place and not be breaking any lease if we suddenly (within 30 days’
notice of course) ..moved out?  We are in good standing with the rent and clean-up, and gardening  in front of the place,
but I know that means little to a slumlord. My partner and I disagree on whether we should ask for a lease renewal
from the (absent-minded) manager… he says no but I worry that we could be asked to leave at any time now.
I think she just forgot. The offices are disorganized, and we get rent receipts every month for the wrong amount
(sort of humorous, actually)
(I know staying month-to-month would cost more than a lease, and we’ve remained silent about this).
Are we in a precarious legal situation, having not renewed ouur lease yet? And having not announced our intention to stay month-to-month only (at whatever higher rent)..
We are in Los ANgeles, under rent control, etc
Thanks for any input!

Edited on: Friday, March 7th, 2014 2:07 pm

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