property manager spreading rumors about other tenants

By kim kilmon

We have an apartment manager who walks around and talks about other tenants to other tenants. She constantly stirs trouble and does not know about laws. They are always gone, never around, is not allowed to rent to family and she has family living here, also, they associate with other tenants and family. This is a live on property manager and they come and go as they wish. The repairs are done half ass, if there is a problem, they do not wish to be disturbed, and have it posted on their door. They also say when they leave town that lock outs and fires are not serious and they will not respond to them for us to call a phone number.   They can’t keep this complex filled , they have new tenants move in and stay six months. When any tenant moves out, they ALWAYS SAY IT IS THEM. There is a lot more,,but will make my blood boil if i go further. LoL…..

Edited on: Sunday, June 10th, 2012 11:24 am

One Response to “property manager spreading rumors about other tenants”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


May 16th, 2011 10:21 am

I wanted what your landlord is telling people while your doing this..kidding aside.Going back, i think a face to face conversation should clear up some things.


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