By elljay
Our Landlord did not renew our lease when it ran out back in April 2014 and we have been renting month to month adhering to the old lease agreement.
He suddenly turned up on our doorstop one evening at 8:30pm and asked us to sign a new lease which we said we would consider when we next paid rent. Two days later we received notice from a property firm saying they had bought the property and were putting the rent up.
We cannot find any records of this company nor of the sale of the deed and the old landlord is not contactable as he will not answer the phone and we cannot leave a message as his voicemail is full. When I asked the property company if he was anyway affiliated with them or who the CEO was they were evasive and said they only sent out the leases and took repair details.
I also asked who had our security deposit as we have not received written notice as to where this is being held. We are looking to move out of this property within two weeks but the rent is due prior to this date. what is the legal recourse should we not pay rent again as they have our deposit. Is there anything I should do and How much notice do I need to give notice about leaving the property.
Incidentally he owns the two houses either side of us and they received no notification of their properties being sold or rent increase.
Thanks in advance for the help
Edited on: Tuesday, March 31st, 2015 9:00 pm
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