Bed bugs bites in Apartment

By lala

I have an infested apartment .. termites and bed bugs bites..termanix  has said that the landlord need to

tent the 15 unit complex and treat the groud for subterrain termite.. what are my rights  the land lord has $3000 security and last months rent
is there a way to protect my self … it is horrible

Edited on: Monday, April 9th, 2012 4:30 pm

2 Responses to “Bed bugs bites in Apartment”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)

Landlord GURU

January 22nd, 2010 1:49 am

Yes there are ways to protect yourself, infact you found the Rental Protection Agency, so you’re half way there! Based on the severity of your situation you will most likely need to get some type of legal aide. For $35 you can file a complaint on this site. The RPA will then mediate with you and your landlord to get the problem resolved.


December 2nd, 2010 9:03 pm

I have lived in my apartment for a couple of years. I recently renewed my lease for another year. Ive had bed bugs in the apartment since August I beleive! The management company has come and sprayed 3 times, but the bed bugs are still there. I also fumigated using over the counter spray as well but was told that what I did may have actually made matters worse. I want to break my lease and leave but the management co. stated that there were no bed bugs when I moved in and stated that I am personally responsible for causing them and probably wont let me break my lease. In the meantime i’m suffering from itching and alergic skin reactions from bed bug bites. They said the treatment will take “some time”. Do I have any legal recourse to vacate the apartment and break lease?


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