Can a non-profit move me in with B.O. tenant?

By Nicole

I have an internship at a church, and I house with them for a significantly reduced price, but am also putting (intern) hrs in each week which somewhat makes up for that. 


Generally, they have 2 people per studio apartment, however my roommate has just moved out on study abroad, and another girls’ roommate has recently left as well. They’ve informed me they plan to move the two of us that remain into the same apartment to make room for a family that is coming within the next couple of months. 


The only problem is that this other girl has SERIOUS B.O. issues. I lived with her for a couple months last year and I was practically never home. The apartment began to stink, and even sleeping there was uncomfortable. I talked to her in a very clear manner about the issue and she said she’d try to work on it. In the end she bought some scented candles and the house smelt like body odor mixed with cinnamon.


Is there any way to argue against the move, besides personal pleas? I feel like it’s tricky because it’s a non profit and maybe the general rules are different?

Edited on: Monday, February 2nd, 2015 8:20 pm

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