can my landlord do this, or demand this of us..?

By Eva Bishop

hi i wanted to get some information pertaining to my situation. We have been tenants at our complex fro over 2 years now.our lease is on a month to month babis.  we had an accident and damaged our carpet with bleach, we told our manager and she took pictures and had a carpet person come into our appartment to look at it. they confirmed that it was inrepairable and that the carpet in the whole apartment would have to be replaced.. we got a notice stating that we would have to pay the amount of nearly $1300.00 total. we spoke to our manager and told her we simply could not do it financially. she agreed to allow us to start makeing payments of minimum $40 a month, we signed an agreement on this.. Now our manager is telling us that her supervisor is complaining to her about our $40 payments( they want more) we simply can’t afford to pay more than that a month at this time.  We have given no indication of moving. we actually planned on staying here at least 5 yearsvor untill we have saved enough and are ready to buy a house.. we were also not given any time to consult with any proffesional carpet replacement or repair..

 my questions are as follows

1. Can they make us pay the total amount now?

2.would this be considered wear and tear after certain amount of years.? and we not have to pay for if we stayed for that time or more…

(if not)…….

3.Is the amount that they are charging us fair?

4.Since we signed and agreed on the $40 monthly payment can they change that now? and force us to pay?

 we would truly appreciate your help in our situation.we have limited finances at the moment. and it would be a huge relieve if there is any way that paying this at a later time or not at all or even if it was just a fraction of it it would be amazing..

Edited on: Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012 7:34 pm

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