Disrespectful Landlord

By Fed UP

  hello I live in an apartment building that has 2 apartments & a business space below the apartments.  My landlord has recently started working on the commercial space & has no regard for his tenants  He starts workin at all hours (ie 7am or 8am) and is banging & sawing & doing all sorts of annoying things at insane hours.  This morning he was outside my 2nd floor window yelling on the phone while looking in & "working"  Is there a time frame or specific days he can do this kind of work in a residential building.  The commercial space has been empty for 5 years   Does he have to give me notice before working in front of my living room windows?  Please help!  I’m going insane living this way.  Btw I live in NJ.

Edited on: Saturday, October 5th, 2013 9:02 am

One Response to “Disrespectful Landlord”

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October 7th, 2013 8:19 pm

If you feel disrespected in any way, file a complaint on RPA. Your Landlord should personally know that He is disturbing your living and he has been becoming rude by the way he makes noise out of the renovation in his commercial space. However, if you have tried to talk the matters with him and he has not made any action or improvements to his manner, filing a complaint may be the easiest way for you to settle the problem.

disrespectful landlord

By Joanna

my landlord is so.rude and unprofessional. although he has accomodated for me.by letting me pay my rent on the 15th instead of the 1st .went to pay my rent he started yelling and.cussing at me. he belittles me all the times. critiscizes the way we live each time he comes over. what can i do? 

Edited on: Thursday, May 16th, 2013 4:02 am

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