Double dipping landlord

By Jeremy Wattenbarger

I had to break a lease because of the apartment falling apart and the constant flow of bad neighbors. I asked several times for them to speak with the neighbors regarding noise and they did nothing. Also we had rats clawing at the back door and the smell of smoke flooding into the apartment over and over. Finally when nothing was done I left. The apartment was rented in less than a week after I left. I had agreed to pay $1200 to the apartments on a certain date, this was in writing. They signed and I signed and I have no problem paying that. But after speaking with them they said I did not need to pay because they rented the placed in less than a week after I left. Now they filed a collections for $4500 to pay for the entire lease and cleaning fees. I found it when I pulled a credit report. I was never notified or spoken with. This company is really nasty to deal with. What should I do at this point? Is this double dipping on rent. It seems really unfair that I left because of problems and they had the placed rented in less than a week. Now they are trying to collect more money for the unit. If I knew I was going to be charged for the entire lease I would not have given it back to them and let them sit on it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Edited on: Wednesday, February 16th, 2011 3:39 pm

One Response to “Double dipping landlord”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)

constance chapman

October 11th, 2011 5:16 am

Good Lord. You need to speak to an attorney. They can advise you what to do. Never ignore legal papers either. We were evicted due to a landlord foreclosure two years ago. I went to court dressed sharp, respectfully gave my side of the story, and won 19 days to move instead of 3.


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