has done anything in 32 years

By Joseph

i have lived in my apartment 32 years. the landlord has done nothing. the air condioner flooded the carpet twice and i had to clean it up. bathroom leaked twice and again i soaked the water up and the damage is still there. mold in vents and the space where the air unit is.  do i have any rights to have them repair these things? i painted some myself but now i am on total disability yet the rent keeps going up. my disability is$718 month and my rent is $560 a month

Edited on: Thursday, May 3rd, 2012 10:22 pm

One Response to “has done anything in 32 years”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


May 22nd, 2012 10:18 pm

Wow! You’ve endured that for 32 years? You should have complained about it a long time ago. Even though it is the landlord’s fault, he would have just pin it on you since you’re the one living there for 32 years. Try reporting it to your landlord and see how he will respond. Technically, he’s the one who should make sure that you are living in a safe and sanitized environment.


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