Heavy walking , Noise from apartment above



The person living above me, when he walks he makes a lot of noise, my ceiling vibrates when he walks. The problem is that he has odd hours or maybe some sleep issues because of which it late at night when that noise is troubling i.e 11:30 pm or even 12…

It is not that noise is for long hours but at that time of day ur sleep gets disturbed and then your next day is aweful and there is headache…etc..

I have compliained several times to the management but the prob still remain…and i am suffering for a long time now..

The management says they cant do anything for some walking heavly…but i am the one loosing my sleep…i am paying such high rent..dont i have any rights…

I do tolerate when it is day time even 11pm is okay…

pls advise what can i do here…

Edited on: Tuesday, October 11th, 2011 8:17 pm

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