I live in a 5th wheel trailer and I pay rent to owner of the property my trailer is on. My rent and bills are all paid current and my landlord has a problem he takes everything out on me. Does he have the right to disconect my electricity or cut off my water supply and any given time just cause he’s pissed off at something? I am going to move my trailer soon so I won’t have to deal with him anymore. But until then I would like to know what legal rights I have here. Cause I I feel what he is doing is wrong and I cant deal with the inconvience or the stress.

By Frustated

 live in a 5th wheel trailer and I pay rent  to owner of the property my trailer is on. My rent and bills are all paid current and my landlord has a problem he takes everything out on me. Does he have the right to disconnect my electricity  or cut off my water supply at any given time just cause he’s pissed off at something? I am going to move my trailer soon so I won’t have to deal with him anymore. But until then I would like to know what legal rights I have here. Cause I I feel what he is doing is wrong and I cant deal with the inconvience or the stress.

Edited on: Thursday, May 24th, 2012 3:06 am

One Response to “I live in a 5th wheel trailer and I pay rent to owner of the property my trailer is on. My rent and bills are all paid current and my landlord has a problem he takes everything out on me. Does he have the right to disconect my electricity or cut off my water supply and any given time just cause he’s pissed off at something? I am going to move my trailer soon so I won’t have to deal with him anymore. But until then I would like to know what legal rights I have here. Cause I I feel what he is doing is wrong and I cant deal with the inconvience or the stress.”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


May 24th, 2012 10:44 pm

What your landlord is doing is illegal. You can sue him for that or you can file a bad report or complaint here in RPA.


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