In Los Angeles Is there a Maximum Limit for Rental Increase?

By Edmond Levy

I live in a Senior’s Only Apartment building in which all of the Tenants are retired and living on a fixed income such as Social Security.


I have been informed the building is NOT regulated by the Rent Stabilization Ordinance and after days of searching the internet I am unable to find out the governmental agency that regulates housing to determine the frequency of rental increases and the maximum allowable rental increase.


In February 2012 my rent was raised by $27 totaling an increase of 9.7%


In August 2012 my rent was raised by $27 totaling an increase of 9.6%


On January 2013 my rent will be raised another $28 for an increase of  9.5%


This constitutes a Rental Increase of 28.8% in an 11-Month period!

Since this is a Senior’s Only building, there must be some sort of regulation.


Edited on: Tuesday, December 4th, 2012 10:03 pm

One Response to “In Los Angeles Is there a Maximum Limit for Rental Increase?”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


December 5th, 2012 5:13 pm

Hi Edmond,
My sympathy is with you, I also feel that government should come up with some sort of regulations or laws were retired and elderly people can benefit out of this , specially those who are renter’s, because after retirement they do not have any job, and as per your case, your apartment owner is increasing the rent month to month to a great extent, which is bad.
My opinion is that you can check with your landlord to have something in written, like a contract or lease where only so and so time period he/she can increase the rent, not in few months time as you mentioned.
If they are harassing or not listening to you, i think other tenants in your building would also be having a same issue. File is complaint about your landlord with RPA. Here is their link to file a complaint: Good luck


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