Is it really worth it…

By James H.

Why do we put ourselves through this, I get so sick of renters that abuse their apartments. I just spent $4000 remodeling a rental unit just to find that the tenants I put in there beat up the place. It amazes me how much damage people can do in a short time. I get so sick of irresponsible tenants that abuse my properties.

Anybody out there have any helps about how to avoid this from happening?

Edited on: Thursday, February 21st, 2008 11:37 am

3 Responses to “Is it really worth it…”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)

Stephan Ipson

February 21st, 2008 12:05 pm

I’m not sure what you are doing to screen your renters, but you may want to try doing more advance background checks on them before you rent. Also, I would suggest doing a scheduled walk-through every now and then to see what condition the rental is in.

Good luck!


September 25th, 2008 2:17 pm

Resident Screening. Check EVERY single rental reference on application, and always trust your gut feeling!


May 6th, 2009 6:25 pm

Before, before, before just for clarity “before” you rent to anyone always go to the home they reside at present, it is a clear indicator what type of renter they will be for your apartment. What do you need with renters that have milkcrates as bedframes, or dirty dishes over flowing the sink, or that couch that has three legs, that scratches your wooden floors, and lets not forget the roach infested stove and refrigetor that they must bring. Go to their home not to the home the want to send you off to, like their grandmothers or their friends clean place- don’t be fooled. look around and let your noise, and eyes, but most importantly your gut lead you to right conclusion. look at whose walking around the house the boyfriend they want move in or the four cousins sitting around the apartment. Expect the they will be in your place to- running water in the sink to thaw out hamber, or taking a shower orusing the toilet, running your water bill up and hot water bill, and adding more wear and tear.
Oh listen carefully to what the renter says” my land lord doesn’t do anything” run run run. Generally most landlords seek llong term tenents so it could be maybe the renter isn’t paying on time so the landlord can fix up, or maybe he’s tired of them tearing up. Lastly, go to the landlord face to face, not a PHONE CALL THAT THE RENTER CALL SAY I s the landlord. Do your part it requires a little work on the front end but you have damages later. Our apartments require only paint once people move out, they even take good care of the hardwood floors.


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