landlord and bedbugs

By Olivia

In a nutshelll – my apartment complex has bed bugs (but not my unit), the landlord (in New Hampshire) is only responsible for treating the affected units. My fiance and I moved out temporarily while this was being taken care of. Several of our neighbors who were not affected, started having bed bug problems after the initial treatments of the other units. We’ve written to our landlord that we would like our apartment to be reinspected before we move back to be sure we are in the clear. 

So my questions … 
Does the landlord have to reinspect our apartment since we requested it? 
And if he does, how soon should he reply and bring in the inspector? 
Is there a law that specificaly states his responsibilities in this situation?

Edited on: Tuesday, October 1st, 2013 10:20 am

One Response to “landlord and bedbugs”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


October 1st, 2013 12:23 pm

Well normally the treatment for bedbug infestation really has to be for the entire apartment complex because if the entire complex is not treated bedbugs will just move from one unit to another. Regarding legalities as to whether the landlord has to take care of the the bedbug infestation, it really depends where you are located because some states have laws that are specific to rodents or vermin only while others specify bedbugs.


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