legal or not legal?

By tiffany

So my good friend is moving out of his house that he and some friends had been renting and his landlord is saying she is going to charge him for things that do not sound legit at all and I am hoping to get some answers for him as soon as possible.

 1. She told him she was going to charge him for her plane ticket to WA (where he rents the house) because she lives in CA and plans on doing the cleaning herself, legal or no?

2. In the time that they lived there a small dent has gotten on the fridge door, she is telling him she is charging him $2500 for a new fridge door. Legal or no?

3. Cleaning- yes you must leave the home in the condition you received it but she is telling him that A) She will be cleaning the home and will be charging him an hourly rate because he nor any cleaning company will do a good enough job and B) He must buy her all new cleaning supplies… legal or no? 

4. She made him and his roommates sign a new lease in the middle of their old lease, legal or no?

5. They do not move out until the end of this month and she is already saying due to pet smell in the bedroom SHE will have to use stronger chemicals to get rid of it… Do they not have until move out to fix the situation?


Edited on: Wednesday, March 6th, 2013 6:52 pm

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