Mobile Home Manager will not allow move

By memah

I have requested to move my single-wide mobile home to a different lot in the park I currently live in to be closer to my 83yr. old mother-in-law so that I can assist in her care. I have been denied permission to move to one of 2 different lots next to her, their reason being that they want to put a double-wide on both of these lots.  In the 30+ years of this park’s exsistance there has never been a double-wide on either lot.  The park currently has approximately 30 vacant lots.  The lot I currently live on is twice the size of either of the lots in question.  I have never had a problem with paying my rent on time or following any of the rules.  I really can’t understand why they are denying the move.  I don’t feel it is fair.  They did state that they would rent the lot to me if I purchased a double-wide.  Can they do this?  Thank you for your help with this matter.

Edited on: Wednesday, May 11th, 2011 10:07 am

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