No Heat. What do I do?

By anonymous

I am a renter in an apartment complex that was receently taken over by a new management company.  I have been having problems with my heat since Nov 2010.  I usually get too much heat and have to open a window or use a fan to cool off.  Sometimes I don’t get enough heat.  The heat is included.  I told the mgmt company about the problem.  I explained to them that the thermostat does not work because no matter what I do to it, I am unable to control the temp in the apartment.  Now I have no heat at all and it is very cold.  Nothing is coming out of the baseboard heat.   I was told by their maintenance person that it may be a valve, wiring or thermostat. The heating makes a lot of noise like there is air in the line.  The maintenance guy does not know what to do for the heat.  That’s not his area.  They have a heating company, but they come out during the day when I’m at work.  I have asked to have a call when they are in the building and I will leave work to let them in, but to no avail.  I have a small child under 5 and he doesn’t understand why we don’t have heat.  The heating company guy said he may come out today.  I cannot continue to be without heat.  Something is wrong.  Something is not connected.  They need to troubleshoot and find out.  I called the local township building to see what they could do.  They are going to call the property mgmt company.  I think now they may be mad because I am trying to get outside help, but what am I supposed to do for myself and child?  Any suggestions?  Who can I get help from?



Edited on: Sunday, April 19th, 2015 5:50 am

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