Problems with bed bugs

By Ky

Hi. In early September I noticed that our apartment building hallways had not been clean. I also noticed some mattresses and box springs in the parking lot. I talked to management to ask them what the hell was going on in our builiding and what was up with the bugs. The property manager said they take problems with bed bugs and roaches seriously, which by the way I never mentioned. That let me know they had a problem with them. Then I woke up one morning with spiders, ants, flies, gnats and centipedes in my bedroom. I went back and told them I had a bug problem. They said they would send an exterminator out to inspect. When he got here I showed him a dead taped down bed bug that I found in my bathtub. I had already googled the bug before he told me and had bought mattress protectors, pillow protectors and some DE to put around my place. I also steamed my couch and my bed prior to putting the DE down. I bagged all of my clothes and fabric as the paperwork told me I had to do. The exterminator basically said he didn’t see anything but he treated anyway. Now, he didn’t move any of the bags in my living room soI wondered if he actually did my living room furniture as nothing was moved. To make a long story short I still dealt with these bugs from Sept. to November before a new exterminator came out here and started actually taking care of the problem. Management never checked other apartments around me until November but I kept finding the bugs in my bathroom on the shower curtain and in the bath tub. I started taping them down on the walls. I finally through out my couch in November and will be throwing out my papasan couch soon. My bedroom furniture is damaged as well as my vacuum. I’ve asked mulitple times for copies of my exterimation reports as well as treatment plans. Management has never answered. Can I sue for my furniture, expenses and half of my rent for these four months?

Edited on: Thursday, December 26th, 2013 12:49 am

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