Should I be responsible for paying sweage?

By Simon Nee

I am a tenant in NJ and for the past three years have been paying my own sewage.

I have learnt from my neighbours that this is the responsibility of the landlord.
Is this correct?

Edited on: Sunday, October 16th, 2011 12:20 am

2 Responses to “Should I be responsible for paying sweage?”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)

Randy Dearmon

October 7th, 2010 6:54 pm

Water and sewage is usually covered by the landlord, but its not required by law. You should refer to your lease agreement. It will specify what you and your landlord are required to do. I’m assuming you signed the lease, so legally you are obligated for whatever the contract states.

It may feel unfair to find out that the landlord has different arrangements with other tenants, but that is his right. Negotiations are done on a case by case basis and at the time of lease signing. You can renegotiate lease terms at the time of your next renewal. But for now, you are going to have to keep paying for sewage cost.


October 9th, 2010 2:46 am

Randy you are right on the money. The septic tank clean-out is probably the landlords responsibility, but could be your responsibility. It all depends on your lease agreement. The lease will have a specific clause talking about this, if not, then you are golden! If there is no clause then you are off the hook for the cost. At that point the assumption of liability would revert back to the landlord.


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