Transparency for Water Charge by landlord

By Lana Pier

I have lived in a mobile home community for the past 5 years. During that time, my water billing from the management has increased 2 fold. What I find particularly disturbing is the actual bill sent to me each month. It is my understanding (as per manager), management receives one bill for the entire community. Each mobile home has individual meters which are then read. That information is entered and individual billing is created and mailed from a third party company from an unknown location.

The problem I have is – no where on these bills is it disclosed the actual amount charged per gallon or Ccf of water. We are charged by management per gallon, the Utility Company charges by the Ccf. (I understand that there are 7.48 gallons in a cubic foot) My bill for this month states I used 8000 gallons of water! Last month it was 4000 gallons, the month before that 5000 gallons. Everyone is billed 1000, 2000 so on and so forth something amounts. Never waviers to 1001 gallons. It’s always an exact 1000+ gallon charge . Mind you, there are two-(2) 55+ older in this home. No children, minimal laundry, showering and energy effiecent appliances less than one year old. We all pay $6.50 Service Charge, $4.40 Pilot Fee (?) and a Municipality Fee which varies month to month determined by individual usage.
Several of us residents are concerned that 1. bills are not for accurate usage and 2. what are we paying per unit?
Any advise is appreciated. I intend to address with management and request transparency on water billing. I lived in Edwardsville, KS and our water provider is Board of Public Utilities in KCK.

Edited on: Tuesday, February 4th, 2014 7:10 am

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