Verify landlord is actually running background checks

By anonymous

My complex has been open a little over a year. Due to the economy and the high prices to rent apartments in the complex it got off to a slow start. Then suddenly apartments began filling up rapidly, and crime began to increase, pretty much at the same rate. The lease states that criminal background checks are run on all applicants as well as any other person who will be living in the apartment. The lease agreement goes on to state that any sexual predator/offender, felony convictions and certain misdemeanors within the past ten years will be rejected. Due to the nature of the crimes and the fact that some of these crimes involve tenants in the building, which claims to be a luxury apartment complex, I am certain that background checks are either not being run or not being looked at. Is there any way to verify that the complex is actually running the checks that it claims to be running in the lease agreement?

Edited on: Tuesday, January 8th, 2013 3:00 am

One Response to “Verify landlord is actually running background checks”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


June 3rd, 2011 9:16 am

If you know the department who does background checks on your complex, you can try to give them a visit and verify if a background checks had been going on. Also, you have your own tenant rights one example for that is Tenant Rights Against Sexual Orientation Discrimination. So if you feel harassed in you area, you can sue whoever the one responsible for it. But to prevent that, visit the ones doing the background checks and verify if your complex had been participating in such agreement. 😉


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