Walls painted – how often for a renter?

By Poverty stricken, disabled senior

How ofted is a landlord in California supposed to have his rental walls painted?

Edited on: Monday, May 9th, 2011 11:55 am

2 Responses to “Walls painted – how often for a renter?”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


May 9th, 2011 11:47 am

Good question you got there. It is normally a tenants obligation to report any needed maintenance or repairs to the owner/landlords since they are expected to check it out act on it. Check your lease under Repairs/Damage section. It is imperative for the landlord side as well to verify if such repair subject is caused by such negligence or just plainly natural occurrence (destroyed by time and etc..). Nonetheless it’s still wise to go over your lease. Bottom line if there is something the owner should know a tenant should let him/her know. Hope this helps. You can visit this site http://www.rentalprotectionagency.com/html_apartment_landlord_complaint_help.html for help with complaints.


May 9th, 2011 1:09 pm

As far as i know there’s no law telling the landlords to have a schedule to paint their wall. But yeah if this is somehow health threatening maybe theres a need really to let your landlord know. Filing a complaint through RPA is an option too.


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