What concessions am I entitled to?

By Heidi

I had a water leak in my apartment which took over 2 months for the Landlord to address. I’ve been out of my apartment now since June 22, due to mold in the hall closet and under the floors. It took them 1 week to determine it was the hot water heater I’ve been staying with family, but my electricity is still being used, as well as, having to contribute at the home I’m staying at. I’ve also made a few round trips (about 15 miles each way) to check the progress and exchange clothes for myself and my daughter. Besides the new water heater installed on the 30th I believe, little else has been done. They have said they will determine my rent concessions when I can move back in, but do I have other remedies since I can’t live in my home? If I stayed in a hotel they would have to pay that.

Edited on: Saturday, July 9th, 2011 3:49 am

One Response to “What concessions am I entitled to?”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


July 13th, 2010 11:18 pm

This will come down to your lease agreement. Often times the landlord will have a clause in the agreement for situations like this that render the unit uninhabitable. The condition will allow the landlord to credit you for rent abatement. (Refund of rent while the unit was unusable.)

You could still be entitled to get reimbursed for other costs such as travel expenses or hotel stays, but honestly this is the exception to the rule rather than the rule.


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