Another tenant has bedbugs, Landlord ignoring

By Utgrrl

Let me start from the beginning. I live in SLC Utah. Years ago I had experienced bed bugs in a different complex we lived in. I did lots of research and was able to exterminate them on my own and take matters into my own hands. We are now living in another complex, seperate owners of course. Back at the mididle of June I saw a bedbug crawl across my counter. The second I saw it, I knew what it was. I called the office a few times with no response. This is typical. They seem to not like to return any voicemails and then say they never got any. They spray once a month here so when they sprayed the landlord (who accompanies the pest guy) was told by me that I saw a bedbug. His response was, "If you only saw on then I doubt it was a bedbug. If you see one then there are more and you would have an infestation". I might have made the mistake here, but I let him know that at our old complex (and at this point we have been living here over a year with no issues) that I had experienced them so I know what they look like, and I know what I saw but I would go ahead and take precautions in my apartment so ensure they dont come in. He did not object other than saying he did not think it was a bedbug. 

So, since I was sure this is what I saw, I decided to go ahead and get rid of some stuff and remove some clutter that we dont use. I purchased D-Earth which kills bedbugs and put it everywhere even on my couches. Shortly after that we decided that one of our couches was in horrible condition, years of use and just needed to go. So we put it on our back porch. Some of the neighbors saw and were worried about bedubgs seeing the powder. My neighbor two doors down came over while moving the couch, asked what I was doing, and I initially said we were just getting rid of the couch. My neighbors then flat out admitted they have bedbugs and are being bitten in one room it seemed only and asked if we had them. They flat out admitted they had them. Know, these neighbors moved in about shortly before I saw the bedbug crawl on my counter. My sons father was right there and heard every word and will write me a letter. 
Since then, the pest guy and landlord have come over about 3 times. Every single time they do, the landlord will see the powder, ask if I still an infestation and then carry on. Not to mention, that every time they come in, he tells me that they can have the pest guy spray for bedbugs but I would be responsible for their portion of the cost if they do. Every single time I tell him that I have not had an infestion I only saw the one crawl on my counter, that we have had 0 bites, and my neighbors two doors down admitted they had an infestation. He just nods and that is it. He has never cared about the D-earth. Even the pest guy told him what it was and how and why it worked so well. 
This last time, I was not home when they came in. It is part of my lease so I don’t dispute that. But all of a sudden I got a housekeeping warning saying that I need to remove the powder, and that if I have an infestation they need to come spray, and that I would be required to pay their portion of the cost. I was told that it a a requirement and if I do not act immediatly they can evict me or now sign my lease. Well, I plan on moving so I dont care about the lease part. What bothers me is that my landord is ignoring all my calls, ignoring me when I tell him that my neighbor flat out admitted to having bedbugs, and not taking care of this. On top of trying to make me pay for the cost! He states that he has checked our neighbors apartment and saw nothing. Well duh, they have hard to find and ususlly only come out at night. 
My neighbor on the other side of me, came over and told me that her daughter who plays with their kids was also told by them directly that they have bedbugs so she is not allowed to be in their apartment. So me and another neighbor were told this. This neighbor also called the landlord and told them the same thing, and the landlord essentially ignored them too and said they checked but found nothing so she was told not to worry about it. Here in a few minutes, I am going to talk to the neighbor who lives directly next two them and ask if they have had any bites. I have heard them talk about how they want to move and other issues so I would imagine their answer will be yes. 
It is getting to a point where I want to term my lease early. I am sick of my landlord ignoring my calls and requests, and then of all things trying to put the blame on me. I can remove the powder that I put down as a precaution.. but if I do that and the bedbugs come in… are they going to pay for any furniture that we have to trash because they did not take of the problem or let me keep the powder down? No, they wont. 
I am at my wits end and not sure what next I should do, or what my next step is. I need major help. It has been causing me stress, because I am so worried that they will come over and the idea of being bitten like we were years ago scares me. More for my son than myself. 
Please please please.. need advice or help!

Edited on: Wednesday, September 19th, 2012 9:37 pm

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Another tenant has bedbugs, Landlord ignoring

By Utgrrl

Let me start from the beginning. I live in SLC Utah. Years ago I had experienced bed bugs in a different complex we lived in. I did lots of research and was able to exterminate them on my own and take matters into my own hands. We are now living in another complex, seperate owners of course. Back at the mididle of June I saw a bedbug crawl across my counter. The second I saw it, I knew what it was. I called the office a few times with no response. This is typical. They seem to not like to return any voicemails and then say they never got any. They spray once a month here so when they sprayed the landlord (who accompanies the pest guy) was told by me that I saw a bedbug. His response was, "If you only saw on then I doubt it was a bedbug. If you see one then there are more and you would have an infestation". I might have made the mistake here, but I let him know that at our old complex (and at this point we have been living here over a year with no issues) that I had experienced them so I know what they look like, and I know what I saw but I would go ahead and take precautions in my apartment so ensure they dont come in. He did not object other than saying he did not think it was a bedbug. 

So, since I was sure this is what I saw, I decided to go ahead and get rid of some stuff and remove some clutter that we dont use. I purchased D-Earth which kills bedbugs and put it everywhere even on my couches. Shortly after that we decided that one of our couches was in horrible condition, years of use and just needed to go. So we put it on our back porch. Some of the neighbors saw and were worried about bedubgs seeing the powder. My neighbor two doors down came over while moving the couch, asked what I was doing, and I initially said we were just getting rid of the couch. My neighbors then flat out admitted they have bedbugs and are being bitten in one room it seemed only and asked if we had them. They flat out admitted they had them. Know, these neighbors moved in about shortly before I saw the bedbug crawl on my counter. My sons father was right there and heard every word and will write me a letter. 
Since then, the pest guy and landlord have come over about 3 times. Every single time they do, the landlord will see the powder, ask if I still an infestation and then carry on. Not to mention, that every time they come in, he tells me that they can have the pest guy spray for bedbugs but I would be responsible for their portion of the cost if they do. Every single time I tell him that I have not had an infestion I only saw the one crawl on my counter, that we have had 0 bites, and my neighbors two doors down admitted they had an infestation. He just nods and that is it. He has never cared about the D-earth. Even the pest guy told him what it was and how and why it worked so well. 
This last time, I was not home when they came in. It is part of my lease so I don’t dispute that. But all of a sudden I got a housekeeping warning saying that I need to remove the powder, and that if I have an infestation they need to come spray, and that I would be required to pay their portion of the cost. I was told that it a a requirement and if I do not act immediatly they can evict me or now sign my lease. Well, I plan on moving so I dont care about the lease part. What bothers me is that my landord is ignoring all my calls, ignoring me when I tell him that my neighbor flat out admitted to having bedbugs, and not taking care of this. On top of trying to make me pay for the cost! He states that he has checked our neighbors apartment and saw nothing. Well duh, they have hard to find and ususlly only come out at night. 
My neighbor on the other side of me, came over and told me that her daughter who plays with their kids was also told by them directly that they have bedbugs so she is not allowed to be in their apartment. So me and another neighbor were told this. This neighbor also called the landlord and told them the same thing, and the landlord essentially ignored them too and said they checked but found nothing so she was told not to worry about it. Here in a few minutes, I am going to talk to the neighbor who lives directly next two them and ask if they have had any bites. I have heard them talk about how they want to move and other issues so I would imagine their answer will be yes. 
It is getting to a point where I want to term my lease early. I am sick of my landlord ignoring my calls and requests, and then of all things trying to put the blame on me. I can remove the powder that I put down as a precaution.. but if I do that and the bedbugs come in… are they going to pay for any furniture that we have to trash because they did not take of the problem or let me keep the powder down? No, they wont. 
I am at my wits end and not sure what next I should do, or what my next step is. I need major help. It has been causing me stress, because I am so worried that they will come over and the idea of being bitten like we were years ago scares me. More for my son than myself. 
Please please please.. need advice or help!

Edited on: Wednesday, September 19th, 2012 9:34 pm

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