apt infected with cockroaches

By Laura

We moved into an apt in october 2011, two weeks later I found out we had cockroaches, they have had three exterminators in to try to resolve it! But in which it has made it worse and have found them spreading all over. Also landlord did not inform us of this problem when we firsted move in. I am getting frustrated and really grossed out cause I do not live like this and never had! I need help to get out of this place in which this landlord wont let me leave! Please Help!!

Edited on: Friday, April 27th, 2012 9:15 am

One Response to “apt infected with cockroaches”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


May 9th, 2011 12:16 pm

This is quite a common problem. It must have been hard for to live with this. Apparently, landlords needs to have his unit a habitable place to live in and provide safe place for his/her tenants to stay. Cockroaches is considered to be a breach since they are classified as parasites. This so may be subject for a question of “Who really brought these parasites?” If this problem already existed before you moved in my advice is that secure a proof, a photo perhaps and create a legal documentation and file a complaint here https://www.rentalprotectionagency.com/complaint_center_form.php. Get your case number and you can check the status of that complaint.

Hope this helps.


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