Automatic lease renewal
By Akash Pahuja
On April 2012 I got a notice from my landlord for renewing our lease for an year. At that point we were already looking to buy house so we decided on going month on month. To do this we gave them written notice and asked them to give us copy of that notice and had them initial and date them. While doing this they told us we will have to pay additional 100 dollars surcharge on going month on month to which we agreed.
That said our next month our rent did not go up by 100 dollars to which we thought must be accounting mistake. But when we decided to terminate our lease they want to charge us 2 month fine of breaking yearly lease. They told us that the person who took our notice did not knew of all procedure and drop the ball on it. They are reverting the blame to us saying that because we did not say anything about 100 dollar non increase we were automatically renewed for yearly lease. Can you help us in this issue? I am more than happy to pay RPA’s fees if you can help us.
Edited on: Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013 5:25 pm
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Automatic Lease Renewal Rights
By Lori
Due to loss of employment I had to move from my apartment that I have been at for the past four years. There has never been any problems in the past between myself and the landlord. I originally sign a one year lease and renewed it twice, however the last year (2009) (The last signed leas I have is from 2007no renewal was signed and I requested that I go to a month to month lease. On December 1st I gave my notice to move. I was informed that I had to give 60 days notice. Upon checking my rights with the State of Minnesota website I learned that when there is no new lease signed the terms automatically go to month to month and the standard 30 day requirement is in effect. Please let me know if I’m wrong. I then took a letter to my landlord stating this and asked if we could come to mutually agreeable solution. I never got a response and had to move on January 1. I cleaned my apartment including washing all the walls and seilings but had to lleav some items in due to lack of time and space. I willing gave up my security deposit to cover the expense for disposing of those items. I recently received an invoice from my landlord stating that I owed $642.23 to cover one months rent and additional expense for removing ites left in the apartment. I dont believe I owe the final months rent due to the state laws, however would be willing to offer up to $200 to the apartment complex. What are my rights?
Edited on: Sunday, December 5th, 2010 10:16 pm
One Response to “Automatic Lease Renewal Rights”
anonymous January 30th, 2010 4:09 am |
Lori, its time to take a look closely at your lease agreement. The state law is an additional protection that basically requires at least 30 days notice to terminate tenancy after a lease expires. However, that would only apply if the lease did actually expire. Most of my leases has a clause that states that the lease will automatically renew if notice is not given at least 60 days before the end of the rental period (end of lease date) Most likely you are in the wrong. But, it really comes down to the lease agreement… if by chance the lease really expired and was no longer valid, then yes you may be able to refer back to the state law. Otherwise, you need to comply with whatever the signed contract states, afterall, you did sign it and agree to all of the terms. |
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