backyard water causes mold and unsafe living conditions

By Jenn

Water in the back yard caused mold in the basement.  not sure what kind of rights I have??  

Edited on: Tuesday, December 10th, 2013 6:09 pm

One Response to “backyard water causes mold and unsafe living conditions”

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Cindy Tamsy

March 5th, 2013 1:26 am

OMG, you should have that checked and make sure it is not black mold. Black mold can cause serious damage to you and your family’s health. Try reporting that to your landlord as soon as you can. If he doesn’t take action immediately file a complaint with mediation agencies like the RPA. I’m sure they can help you out.

backyard water causes mold and unsafe living conditions

By Jenn

We rented the house during the winter when the ground was snow covered.  although the landlord told us there was a water problem in the back yard, he never explained the problems that it caused in the basement.  When we moved in we spent the first month cleaning up the basement so make the finished basement livable.  In the past three month with all the rain the back yard is a swamp, causeing crazy pest problems inside and out. ( Also making the 5 acers in the back unusable. )  The major issue is the basement is now worse then when we moved it.  The couch that I scrubbed just three months ago with a steam cleaner has mold all over it.  The was have mold growing up from the floor.  Even a brand new chair has mold all over it.  When you walk in the front door all you can smell is the moldy basement.  I have two small boys and i am terrified what this mold could be doing to thier small lungs.  

There is also an area above the garage that the landlord has keeped for his own personal storage space, the only problem is that it is old and infested with mice and cockroaches.  It is impossible to control the pest problem with the water issue and the fact that it is stocked packed with old furnature and paperwork.  
The landlold must of know about these issues, since he had pest removal issues noted on the lease as our finacial responsiblity.  I have also heard from a friend who tells us that the last tenant of this house moved out because of the mold.  
We feel as though we paying for a huge house that we only have use of half of it.
Just wondering what our rights are??  People have suggested I stop paying rent and find a new place asap.  I do not want to be in legal problems or owe this guy money.  I also do not want him to be able to keep my sceurity deposit.  
help what do we do??

Edited on: Sunday, July 3rd, 2011 10:41 am

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