bed bug infestation

By Melissa

Long story short I am disputing with my landlord on a bed bug infestation.  Although they are covering the expenses for exterminating I have written confirmation from my landlord that my former neighbor complained of bed bugs as they moved out and she did nothing.  Next my current neighbor claimed to have bed bugs and they did bring out a pest control company who said they saw evidence of previous infestation but no living evidence.  Keeping that in mind my neighbor NEVER sleeps at his apartment and now I am infested.  I feel the Landlords did not handle this properly as per the “good faith law” of Michigan to notify all neighboring tenants of the issue to be on the lookout.  In fact they confirmed in writing that I should “keep my mouth shut” to my neighbors.  I feel I am owed at least a refund of all expenses totaling $1400 to replace the bed.  Those blood suckers can live for a year without feeding…….Any insight????

Edited on: Saturday, November 24th, 2012 5:10 am

One Response to “bed bug infestation”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


November 26th, 2012 11:16 am

You can ask the landlord to cover up the extermination expenses of the bed bugs, if the landlord already cleaned and exterminated the bed bugs before you moved in.. so it won’t be his side error and if it has been came now could be you at lesser strong side.
If the problem is to a lot extent and bed bugs are creating nuisance in your life and to the health. Take up a legal-aid.



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