Can you report a slumlord anonymously

By femchauvinist74

I’ve been living in my duplex for about 9 months now.  The first week, someone tried to break in.  Told the on site manager, and he put locks on the windows.  I also asked him to fix the door jamb, so the deadbold would engage on the wooden door(I have an iron screen door as well).  He called himself fixing it, but it was only operational for about a week, then after that you can just push the door open.

Furthermore the cold water spigot in the bathroom malfunctioned about 3 or 4 months ago, and it still has yet to be replaced.  If I want to wash my face or brush my teeth, I have to lean down to use the bathtub’s hot and cold water.  Furthermore there is a large hole on the side of the bathtub that lets in bugs, and moisture from the outside.  As a result, my bedroom, and bathroom have the constant smell of urine. The hole was patched up with spare boards.  My boyfriend, trying to assist, added some cardboard and what not to at least not let any bugs in.

As a result, during the winter, I had a terrible mold problem with the rain gathering under the house, combined with the moisture coming from when I bathe.  The caulk around the toilet is dirty, and the toilet seat is loose.  In the kitchen there is termite damage. So bad, I have to cover part of the counter continually with aluminum foil so I can use the space to cook.

Furthermore, the onsite manager is not doing anything.  If you make too many complaints about what is going wrong, he makes a veiled threat that he would report you to the owner, and the owner would summarily evict you. It appears that everyone in the complex of about 12 cottages is in the same boat. We don’t make enough money to move elsewhere, and under constant threat if we rock the boat we’ll be homeless.

How can someone report a landlord/manager anonymously?  Just because we don’t have the means to move, doesn’t mean we deserve to suffer.

Edited on: Friday, July 19th, 2013 5:41 pm

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