concerning carpet replacement

By Babs

We moved into an apartment and we were told that the carpets were new, when we did the walk through they did look new, but there were seams that were visable, later we found out that the carpet was not new but just cleaned very well, after a couple of months we noticed spots coming up and then the seams began to part. We have gone through at least four different managers andwe have been trying to get them to do something about the carpet. Now the carpet in begining to pull away from the wall, and we have only been here 5 years, we had an estimate done and the person that came out showed us why the carpet needed to be replaced it was because there would be no way to repair it without causing more damage.  How  can I go about getting my carpet replaced, should I get three estimates from three different companies to prove that they carpet is older than what they told us. I just need some advise.

Edited on: Saturday, May 7th, 2011 9:39 pm

2 Responses to “concerning carpet replacement”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


May 10th, 2011 8:08 am

Repairs and replacements is one of those things a landlord has to check thoroughly. Apparently, in your case and to be honest landlords can say what they want to say about their units to get a good tenant. I think there’s a need to prove if the carpet really needs to be replaced. If it looks like exactly what have described right now then let the new manager see that. On the other hand you can ask assistance with RPA by filing a complaint too. they can help you out with this.


May 31st, 2011 6:10 am

It’s really hard for you to prove that the carpet is not new when you moved in. If I were you, I’ll just make an arrangement to them that if you’re going to replace the carpet, the cost will be deducted to your rent. Possibly half the price or more so you won’t spent much.


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