Help With Bully Neighbor

By Anon

My wife and I live in a 4-plex with no onsite manager. One tenant has grown dictative over other residents when it comes to using the yard, basement, and other communal areas. He has told each of the other three units differing ‘rules’ when it comes to having personal items in the yard, whether they can store bicycles in the basement, what can be place in the recycle bin, where their dogs may walk (pet-friendly building), as examples. He has essentially pushed everyone into their units and no one will confront him face-to-face as he has a passive-aggressive personality (retalitory). This tenant is also very disruptive with chronic arguments with his wife, violent door/window slamming (rattles the walls), and allowing his dog to bark at other residents. He has now decided to use the yard space for his own personal marijuana growing/smoking area, all the while excluding other residents from even entering the area. While growing is not a huge legal issue in California, the lease agreement states no smoking/drug use/criminal activity. We have brought all of this to the attention of the owners multiple times and have been told that it will be remedied, with the authorities if necessary. However, about six weeks have past since last contact and nothing is resolved. 

The rest of the us here are considering submitting a joint request for these actions to cease. We are drafting individual letters documenting our issues to be sent by certified mail together. We have all experienced ineffectual action from the owners when bringing our concerns up individually. We all would like to mediate this with the owners directly, but will consider legal action if required. We all really just want this guy removed from the building. We contacted a local tenants union, but haven’t received any response in some time. I imagine they’re inundated with people.
I’m looking for any advice, suggestions, whatnot, from renters, landlords, whomever, on the situation. Does this sound like an appropriate ‘next step’? Should we bypass this and speak directly with a tenants rights attorney? Anything in particular to include or exclude from the letters? Can we actually ask to have this guy evicted for his behavior? Anything helps and thanks for reading!

Edited on: Wednesday, July 9th, 2014 10:30 pm

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