Landlord Maintenance vs Security Deposit

By Stephen

I moved out of an apartment in Tucson, Arizona, and moved back to Soputhern California, and my old landlord has claimed I owe money beyond my security deposit.

He’s claiming money for cleaning the apartment, cleaning the carpet and repainting the interior.
– Is this normal?
– Shouldn’t the landlord carry some/most/all burden as operational costs?
– Are there any laws defining this type of operational costs?
He’s also claiming expenses for repairs and replacements, without providing any justification or invoices.
– Is this normal?
– Shouldn’t he be required to provide the invoices?
– Shouldn’t he also be required to get multiple bids before selecting his "buddies" (and making me pay for them)?
– Are there any laws defining reasonable approaches to operational costs?
I appreciate any guidance and/or suggestions.

Edited on: Sunday, August 11th, 2013 5:17 pm

2 Responses to “Landlord Maintenance vs Security Deposit”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


August 13th, 2013 7:24 pm

Your landlord cannot deduct, keep or ask for extra charges if there are no major damages made to the rental unit that goes beyond normal wear and tear. If your landlord asks for an extra charge then he must first provide you with a copy of the invoice or receipts of the charges he paid to clean or repair the rental unit when you moved out. Since your landlord failed to give you the receipts and invoice then you can file a complaint against him through the RPA complaint center. Here is the link


August 15th, 2013 9:56 pm

Stephen did your landlord gave you receipts or invoices of the charges he claims he paid? Also your landlord can only charge you for the damages that is beyond normal wear and tear. If he fails to give you any receipts and invoices then you should not pay your landlord for those. If he insists then file a complaint with the RPA. It is very unfair on your part to pay for the alleged charges, right? If this happens to me I would file immediately through this link


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