Lazy/Forgetfull/Argumentitive/Drunk Landlord

By Christina L. Jones

     I Need Help!! Originally (when we were about to move in) our landlord was very nice and seemed pretty cool.. Even for a few months after when we got a month behind he worked with us. Now that we are caught up he is still ‘nice’, but we can’t get him to fix anything. We have been having problems with our AC and our dishwasher since we moved in. We mentioned it shortly after and he told us he would get to it as soon as possible. Now like I said we got behind a month so during that time we didn’t want to push anything since he wasn’t freaking out on us about the rent. Well now every time I call he tells me we have never mentioned these things to him before but he will come check it out… three days later I’m calling him asking when he is going to come out to check everything out and he says " You’ve never mentioned this to me before"  WTH…  I feel like I’m going insane.. Anyways He does finally come out and we walk through the house going over everything.. (by now there are more problems > The shower upstairs is leaking into the kitchen downstairs, the downstairs bathroom keeps over flowing, and the sink has standing water in it<) Each one we come to he tries to brush off saying " the sinks not a problem , at least it isn’t over flowing" and "The toilet looks fine" (yes because we just pumped it) "Why haven’t you ever mentioned the dishwasher before, I would have fixed it" also "The AC s working",  I say "Yes it is on but it never shuts off, that is why our electric bill is so high, that and having to rerun the dishwasher because it won’t drain" He goes on to tell me a 200$ electric bill is normal for a 2 bedroom town house.. I’m sorry I used to live in a three bedroom house and my bill was never that high. I’m at my wits end. He argues with everything, what he remembers that is.. The only reason I know he is a drunk is because his wife told my husband. I am just wondering what my options are in order to maybe give him some ‘motivation’. We can’t afford to move right now but we feel like he needs to fix these things. We can’t afford 200$ a month electric. I mean it’s his house you would think he would want to take care of in for it to be in the best condition possible. And now with the new problems like the leak and plumbing problems we are now having issues with mold/mildew.. I break out in hives at least once a day mostly from mold and a lot of stress.. I’ve told him all of this.. He seems oblivious.. I’m going crazy.

Please HELP!!!

          Thanks Christina!

Edited on: Monday, July 29th, 2013 8:31 pm

One Response to “Lazy/Forgetfull/Argumentitive/Drunk Landlord”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)

Christina Jones

July 30th, 2013 7:06 pm

Thanks everyone!! The suggestions were helpful!! :(


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