Moved into bed bugs, landlords assholes

By Matthew Barton

Holy shit, I cannot believe I have to type this all again with my thumbs, but the bugs are out so I have the time.  Let me begin with the fact this has been going on for some time.  But much like I almost lost both of my jobs, it took me quite a bit to admit this was an issue.  Now I told my landlord day one, but this is how fucked the whole story is.:

So I used to live in the same property where I am now, but a different room.  I was desperate for a place to stay, I need to be near my children.  Anyway.  I took a little shit room with nothing more than a bed and a microwave, there was a toaster oven too, but I can already tell I’m losing you.  One day the property manager told me I had to change rooms, only it was bigger, with a shower and sink.  I would no longer have to walk 50 feet to the bathroom, which was maintained by no one.  It was third world and it had been written up by the paper, but for an infraction 3 years before.  It took the city three years to get back to the issue.  My living situation was below code?; haha, lottery and happy days a new room.  Sadly it had bed bugs.  At first I didn’t notice they were mosquito bites or some such nonsense.  I sent a picture to my father whom runs hospitals for the Army, and was in Vam., you may never see a domestic bed bug, but Vam, part of the bullshit. The bed I moved to, as it is a fully furnished shithole, had a pillow top duvet cover.  In ther I woke the slumber of not just the babies but the full grown as men.  Fucking vampire cockroaches.  
When I found out I thew away the pillow top and told the landlord.  He fogged the next day, our protagonist figured done.  They moved in a new bed and box spring, I thought done.  However, nope.  My walls are made of cheap shitty panelling and they live there.  At first I demanded my rent and security depisit back, the landlord said no, which is a good thing because during the hight of season you cannot rent a closet for what I pay.  I get them to bomb again, and yet again.  I explain that if a professional would come in I will accept that it never happened.  I almost lost both my jobs.  I was too embarrassed to admit I was infested.  It sounds although I am dirty.  I’m a fine dining server.  I verbally suck cock for a living, I’m a house nigger, with all do respect, but if blacks could get this job the would gladly admit the truth.  Here I am serving the top 2 percent and people on their anniversary itching like I woke up in a fucking Burroughs or Vonigut novel.  I almost lost my jobs, can you even imagine how hard it is to verbally keep a rich man’s cock in your mouth after being up for 40 hours straight.  And I defy you to find an expert that doesn’t have my back on this
So initially, I was all about leaving:  fuck you and the horse and the bugs, and the bugs, did I mention bugs?  Here is he issue , it is the hight of season.  I cannot move, even if I did, I would fuck myself for life.  A year lease renewable during the naughty parts each year.  I’m broke.  I want to rent a place with a Cat. 3 to 4 looking at us.  Damn it man can you help.  They are even now refusing to pay for the exterminator.  I mean, really?!?  I’m losing my mind and you despise that is just like Astro glide!  I mean I hear it does wonders, but I did nothing wrong.  I am pretty sure in prison they at least nice enough to spit on their cock first, I mean it would tear and you never know where the new one has been.  Ps.  Not gay, but once you start on a good rant, how do you stop until it is done.  If you don’t understand can you please email me either the address of a real journalist or someone that isn’t just a fucktard answering the phone.  
Sorry I wrote so late, you know the fucking bugs.  He’ll I spent half the time making sure you knew I meant it was"fucking" and not "ducking":  fucking really Seri?  How many ducks are there.  As for you dismissing me a a nutter?!? You fucking live with the vampire cockroaches, and don’t hate me because I clever.  I just gave you a wicked good write up.  You just fix it deal; oh and there is one more thing.  Whom ever wrote the website should stay in the bleeding sack with the kittens.  If you need a real tongue, talk to any womn I ever met, they will give a solid reference.

Edited on: Sunday, January 13th, 2013 1:28 am

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