By tilthe
I have bedbugs. As soon as I realized I had them I did a major clear out. i found 2 live bugs while I was cleaning, one while I was sweeping and the other in my bedsheet. I killed them both but unfortunately did not keep them. i wish i had checked some online forums before the clear out. I bought everything you can think of to get rid of them. Covers for my mattress and pillows, raid bedbug spray, 91% rubbing alcohol, eucalptus oil diaetomous earth. Sprayed my bed frame everyday with rubbing alcohol and eucalptus oil but I was still getting bitten.
Edited on: Tuesday, November 12th, 2013 8:50 pm
No Responses to “bedbugs”
By Shanee Baumgartner
, so I moved in Sept 2nd and they didnt tell me the room next to me was infested with bedbugs. they got rid of the mattress and sprayed and thats it. then they moved me into another room where the infected mattress was to begin with. I started getting bits and seeing these bugs on the wall. an exterminator came out and said it was infested. I had already paid octobers rent and they dont want to do what the exterminator suggested they are going to do it the cheapest way they can. I moved into a motel. I dont want to move back there because i would have never rented from them if i knew there was a problem to begin with and then they didnt tell me they had never treated the room that they were moving me into. I want my october rent back, and the difference it cost me to stay here at a motel. not to mention i work and go to school full time i am behind on my school work because of this i have to wah all my close. I feel because they didnt disclose that there was a problem they should give me back my september rent also
Edited on: Monday, October 14th, 2013 8:54 pm
No Responses to “bedbugs”
By Courtney
In may my boyfriends parents moved into a rental house the landlord was spraying for bedbugs at the time and did not let them know it was infested. Before wefigured out it was infested my boyfriend moved into my house it is now infested with bedbugs. We told my boyfriend’s landlord and she had people spraying she then refused to continuing the spraying and we have more than ever help
Edited on: Saturday, January 12th, 2013 11:29 pm
No Responses to “bedbugs”
By Cheryl
I live in an apartment that has bedbugs. It’s not a severe case but I have them nonetheless. I’ve tried bombing the place with a bedbug bomber, but that didn’t work. So I notified by landlord about them. Now they’re making me pay $250 to have an exterminator come. I have to basically bag up and move my whole apartment to prepare for the exterminator. I’ve told the landlord it’s not a severe case, but she said that when I was inspected by the exterminator, they told her it was almost catastrophic. I feel they’re just doing this to get money out of me… money I don’t have. We don’t have bites on us.. we occasionally see one on the wall but it’s nothing major. I’ve told the landlord I don’t want to do their treatment, since I don’t feel it’s bad and I really just don’t have the money, but now they’re forcing me to do it saying it’s a health risk. I have a very basic lease agreement, there’s nothing in there about bedbugs. And we’ve been treating them on our own but the landlord told me to stop treating myself and let the exterminator handle it. I guess I just want to know what my rights are. I live in Virginia and have been unable to find any information on renters rights regarding bedbugs. Do I have to do their treatment now? Or can I refuse? Is it my responsibility to pay for this? If I break the lease agreement and just move, can they still expect me to pay for their bedbug treatment? Any help would be much appreciated.
Edited on: Sunday, June 27th, 2010 10:21 am
One Response to “Bedbugs”
Randal June 28th, 2010 2:35 am |
Cheryl, Hope that helps, |
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