need help

By s. in wa

what are my rights if a landlord lied to me about a convicted sex offender living next to me

Edited on: Sunday, July 14th, 2013 1:49 pm

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need help

By ashley wise

              michael wise:
I live in an old apartment complex on the second floor above an older couple, and right across the hall from them are the property managers who are also their family. So every complaint gets blown way out of proportion. The floors are very thin, and wood. They are constantly banging on the floor and screaming at us. My husband gets home at 10pm every night, we never have anyone over to make noise, and we are not noisy people. We have purchased large area rugs to cut down the noise, and we keep the cats out of our bedroom at night. We watch tv in bed, and they complain that it’s too loud, even though its on volume 4. Anything below that I cannot hear at all. They bang on the floor even when were just walking. Absolutely nothing we have done has made these people happy. I dont even like going to check the mail because I’m afraid they are going to come out and complain about something else. Just the other night at 10pm they called the cops on us because we were being "loud". My husband had just gotten off of work and we walked into the bedroom then I walked out to start dinner. 20 minutes later the cops were at our door. This is completely ridiculous and I’m tired of this. What can we do to settle this issue and stop being harrassed?

Edited on: Friday, March 15th, 2013 12:41 am

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