no parking available at apartment


I rent a one bedroom apartment, in a house that is split into 5 apartments. When I was showed the apartment nothing was said about the parking, but when it came down to signing the lease, there was one standalone page that said "no parking" (is it legal to rent an apartment without parking?) my landlord told me I would have to work it out with the neighbors or the companies in the area (none close) My upstairs neighbor did not have a car when I moved in, but technically that spot in the driveway was his, he rented it to me for $30 a week (ridiculous). he ended up getting a van, and now he pulls back far enough at night to fit me in, and that was the parking arrangement. the other night i come home and he now has a second van there, and my car is left to park overnight in the street to be ticketed. what can i do? is it legal for him to park 2 vehicles to his unit without mine having a spot?

Edited on: Tuesday, April 10th, 2012 4:40 am

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