Notice to Move

By anonymous

My landlord and I discussed my lease in January as I was scheduled to move out February 28th. I explained that I did not have the time or money to move and that I would like to stay. She asked how long, I said August. We then discussed that at length and she asked me the following 2 times I went to the office to pay monthly rent–each time agreeing on August. Please note that at any time, if I asked if I should sign a new lease, she said that verbal agreement was fine.

Today I recieved a note on my door stating that I was scheduled to move out May 31st and that an inspection would be done on that date. I know she’s legally required to give me a 30-day notice to vacate.

What do I do in this case if when I speak to her in the morning she still claims I need to move out on May 31st? I do not have anywhere to go — I still have little time to look for somewhere to move, and as I’ve given her the majority of the money I have for my rent here, I have no funds for getting a new place, either. There is no note of eviction on this note, either, if that helps.

Edited on: Tuesday, August 20th, 2013 5:00 am

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