Problem with Upstairs Neighbor

By chookgek

I am a tenant in Brooklyn, NY in a 6 story building.
The neighbors above me are 2 weird elderly females- mother and daughter who are collecting everything under the sun from candlesticks to copper vases to paintings that the buy at flee markets. As they are both very odd people for the lack of a better word and also in a way physically and mentally impaired, they are constantly dropping things on my head – all these heavy collectibles 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Their apartment is not carpeted and any requests to not drop things on my head or carpet and be considerate amount to crazy talk about that God will punish me for being mean to them.
In the meanwhile, I have a 2 year old at home who wakes up crying both during night hours and day time from their loudness and their stomping ( they wear boots in the house) and their permanent dropping of this or that. Last week he was sound asleep when that happened and he got so scared that he is now startering.
Speaking to landlord is useless. He tells me to call police. If i call the police and they see those 2 old crazy females, they will think I am nuts to complain. I cannot enjoy my apartment now and my son has developed speech and sleep issues because they do drop things all the time and it is virtually impossible.
Can I sue them in court? What are my legal options? PLEASE ADVISE


Edited on: Monday, November 11th, 2013 2:08 pm

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