Problems with eviction
By Jeff Hansen
Does anyone know how the eviction process works? I’m looking to evict a tenant for non- payment but I’m not really sure how it works. I would appreciate any help I can get.
Edited on: Thursday, March 20th, 2008 2:22 pm
6 Responses to “Problems with eviction”
anonymous March 22nd, 2008 3:04 pm |
You need to give your tenant an eviction notice for non-payment. I always use the RPA’s forms. After you serve them with the eviction notice you will need to file for eviction through the small claims court. I used to use an attorney until I found out how easy it is to do it myself. Ask the court clerk for help with the process and they will let you know what to do. |
Jim H. March 22nd, 2008 5:07 pm |
I do suggest hiring an attorney to help you with your eviction. Tenants will most likely respond to attorneys more than they will if you do it yourself. It can be confusing to go through the court process, that’s why we go to shool for years! If you want a headache, do it yourself! |
Sara March 23rd, 2008 8:26 am |
No offense “Jim H.” but of course you think he should hire an attorney, YOU’RE ONE! |
SuperDelegate April 24th, 2008 6:02 pm |
I don’t have a lot of rental properties but I do have over 9 evictiions under my belt. Ive fuound that the best possible solution is getting them out now! Before court try to work it out for them to move, without taking them to court. you will only lose money by taking them to court- you will never get your money back by filing for eviction. Court always cost money and time. Talk to your tenants like you are doing them a favor by not taking them to court, but only if they agree to move-out. Also get them to put it in writting. |
chad May 9th, 2008 4:44 pm |
I was injured and was not able to work. I am 6 weeks behind in rent. The property management company is owned by 2 guys and they manage 950 properties. I know that its not their fault I dont have the money because of my injury and have tried every avenue and resource to come up with something for them to let me stay till I am back on my feet, but have been unsuccessful. Today after returning from dropping my daughter off from school this vehicle rolls into the driveway like they were S.W.A.T. and the property management owner jumps out of the car screaming and swearing at me every word imaginable telling me I need to be out in 3 days. when I calmly tried to tell him that was impossible and that he would need to take me to court he said “oh you will be out and I have my ways of getting you out” (THATS A THREAT) I know that in this country we have a right not to be harrassed and threatened because we cant pay a debt – there are civil and legal processess to follow to be humane and professional. he didnt see me as someone who had a legitimate reason (although not a justification) but someone who was a piece of s!@% according to the way he handled the situation. renters are human and dont always have a scam up their sleve on why they cant pay sometimes its just someone who is down and out and needs a liitle time to get back on track. In this country it is run, and motivated by money and todays incident proves that. when you go and sign your life away on a lease they are oh so sweet and compassionate but if you are late on your rent or get behind you just became their worse enemy – there is no compassion or respect in this world. After the incident happed I had called the police to file a compliant on the threats he has imposed, and considered a restraning order against him…. as I thought about it I could understand his frustration to a point and decided to let it go and figure out what and where I was going to move to. The whole point of me telling you this is strong arming and barbaric treatment to tenants will never get you anywhere fast. This man was close to assulting me in my driveway which would have been a bad deal for him – and he is a property manager he should know better. |
Evette Castro October 24th, 2008 2:06 pm |
I asked a friend to move in with a tenat to help her pay the bill and also to assist the lady with her personal care and her dogs to let the dogs out a couple times a day. But my friend is not doing what we agreed and also she have two big dogs and they take all the space inside the fenced yard and out another dog takes the out side fenced area so the tanant’s dogs are lttering the house my friend have not pay anything yet a want to ask my frind to move out but I do not now the lagal lows in my area for a case like this. |
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