Rent Increases

By Heath Conn

I have been at this same complex for amost 3 years. My apartment complex has upgraded all the appliances and now when my lease is up in September they are increasing my rent to almost 12%. I will be paying $85.00 rent increase to help pay for the appliances.  By law shouldnt the owner of any apartment complex pay for any upgrades every year or when needed? My rent now is $659.00 and they have increased it to $744.00 if I sign a new lease at the end of September. I cant afford that or to move. Can they negotiate the price? How am I protected? I love where I live and I dont want to move.

Edited on: Friday, January 27th, 2012 12:43 pm

One Response to “Rent Increases”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


July 28th, 2008 6:59 am

Some places are rent controlled, meaning that the landlord can only increase rent a certain amount. But that is the exception instead of the rule. Almost all areas are not regulated by rent stabilization. So what I am saying is that the landlord has right to raise rent. It sounds like the rent is low for California, I’ve never seem a unit for $659, anywhere in California, unless it’s the slums. I’m guessing you can afford to move, because other comparable units are much more expensive.


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