Renters rights lease
By Carrie
I signed a lease at an apt complex in May since then i have had issues with my job and have looked at having to move out of state. I called the apt complex a week before I was to pick up the keys and told them what had happened and explained I was not sure if I could afford to move in but I could let them know by the end of the month. I was told this was fine and if I could not move in that I would loose my security deposit. I then asked if I should collect my keys. They said no do not do this then I would be in possion of the property. I got a call that following weekend asking if I was going to get the keys I told them no and told them I talk to some one in the office. They said fine. So then on the 22 of June a week after I was supposed to move in I get a call. They said when are you going to move in. I told her that I spoke to someone in the office 2 weeks earlier and explain the situation. She said well that is not true and no one her would tell you such a thing. Then they told me if I wanted to break the lease i would have to pay a early term. fee and pay until someone moved in. I did not want that so I said ok I will move in then. I was not able to get to the office to get the keys and they kept calling me to see when I was going to get the keys. I thought this was really strange. I get the feeling now that if I get the keys I am in possesion of the apt and they can screw me and they know it. So at this point I told them I do now want the apt. Now they are telling me they will charge me rent until someone moves in. How do I know when someone moves in. They could say it took 5 month for all I know. What are my rights. I dont want to be screwed any more then I already have. Help someone.
Edited on: Sunday, January 9th, 2011 5:16 pm
One Response to “Renters rights lease”
sam March 9th, 2011 6:42 pm |
i moved in a 12 unit apt building in jan found 3 bedbugs told landlord about it. he had company come in a sprayed whole building for bed buds and a week later i still found one. Can i breck my lease and move? can i make him pay for all my furnature that i through away? i am moving at the end of the month, and not paying him for this month can he come after me? |
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