unlawful entry, unlawful eviction, changed the locks 25 days after receipt of notice

By VeeGee

My landlord gave me a agreement termination notice on January 6, 2011 and than changed the locks on my doors so that I could not get in my apartment on February 1st, 2011.

Went and got advice from a public defender that called her and told her that by Georgia law she could not change the locks and lock me out. I gave her notice on January 27, 2011 that I would be moved by February 6, 2011. She than cut the electricity off from the garage door opener so that I could get in my apartment or us the garage to park my car or pack my car. Finally, she opened her side of the garage, which only gave me about two feet to pass by her car, which is not a lot of room if you are trying to move. Than she cut off the electricity to my living room so that I could not see how to pack. Please tell me my rights. Could I sue her for this type of treatment?


Edited on: Thursday, February 3rd, 2011 1:36 pm

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