warning notice for complaint

By newjerican

hi . i live in an apartment wth my daughter n fiance and we been living in are apartment for 2months now and since day one ive had problems with the people next door to me the went to my landloard and said we been been loud late at night and that my fiance and i argue outside .. i have been having ta deal with this lady looking bad at my 2year old because my daughter gets near her kids i keep getting a feeling like she dont get along wth colored people by the way im hispanic i try ta ignore her but now she filled a complaint on us and to be honest i am never home i work from 6am till 5pm and when i get off work i stay at my moms till 10 or later and on my off days i go out wth my daughter till late are landlord did not even come and ask us whats been going on or if all da lady said is true because i stand ever day her kids who look 7 and up running up and down steps slamming doors and hearing there tv at night full blast in my room

Edited on: Tuesday, October 1st, 2013 2:25 pm

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