Water Heater Insulation: Owner’s Responsibility?

By Anon

The water heater for my apartment recently rusted through and sprang a leak.  The landlord removed the insulation and fixed the leak but refuses to reinsulate the water heater, which is in an uninsulated shed outside the apartment, claiming that the manufacturer did not recommend insulation, and that all water heaters have internal insulation anyways.  Is he required to reinsulate the water heater under California law?

Edited on: Wednesday, February 9th, 2011 12:05 pm

One Response to “Water Heater Insulation: Owner’s Responsibility?”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)

Cesar Ruvalcaba

June 18th, 2011 1:06 pm

No, under the state of California he is not required to insulate the water heater; just as long as he follows the owners manual’s recommendations. I went through a number of owners manuals in looking for my new water heater and read over and over that they don’t even recommend to use a water heater insulation jacket becasue it is already insulated unless it is required by local laws. Unless you live in a very very cold place that local code requires water heater insulation; he’s correct.


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