What happens if my landlord does not respond?

By Jen

What happens if my landlord does not respond in the amount of time that is provided by the rental protection agency? Currently my landlord has until  7 tonight, but still has not yet responded.

Edited on: Tuesday, October 15th, 2013 5:43 pm

One Response to “What happens if my landlord does not respond?”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


October 15th, 2013 12:59 pm

I think RPA just sends another letter. I’m beginning to think that RPA is just a scampot, they send an “official” looking letter to scare the landlord but otherwise they do nothing. The only thing RPA can do is shame the landlord on search engines. This site looks like a waste of time, I paid 80 bucks for URGENT RUSH MY CASE and CERTIFIED CASE. I filed a case 10/11 and it still has not been mailed. So much for URGENT. Certified case is supposed to give me a tracking number. Everyone, don’t buy the upgraded options… If you want an “official” looking letter for 35$ and you have time and money to spare then good luck with your results. There is even a spelling mistake in your RPA claim – “Rental Deatils.” They mean DETAILS.


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