What is unsanitary?

By Jamie

I received a notice from my apartment complex that states the following: Upon our community inspection, we discovered that your apartment home was kept in an unsanitary fashion. Please have your apartment home brought to a sanitary condition no later than May 21st, 2010. We must replace your single handled faucets, and the present condition of your apartment home is not acceptable.

The problem is that there was no food, trash, dirty dishes, etc. in my apartment. They entered my apartment without notice, although I was out of town so they could have provided notice at some point but not made sure I actually received it. I may have to relocate for work and I’ve started packing, so I do have boxes packed up in the front of the apartment and clothes pulled out in the bedroom to be packed up. All the sinks and the tub are accessible, as are the front door (there’s a clear walking path through the apartment to all of the sinks and tub).

The person who left the notice is conveniently not available until Monday. I want to know what is unsanitary?

Edited on: Sunday, September 12th, 2010 6:52 am

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